Your specialized Hedera-supplier!
Each year in our 11,000 m² of greenhouse we grow almost 2,000,000 Hedera Related products, such as Ceropegia, Nepenthes, Senecio, Davallia, … (see assortment) are grown in smaller quantities in rented greenhouses and represent an interesting addition to our range.
Thanks to our sophisticated cultivation programme we are able to produce ivies in all colours, shapes and pot sizes, all year round. We also devote great care and attention to the quality of our plants and the efficiency of our service. A programme of almost continuous innovation helps to ensure the reliability and constant high standard of our products
We are pleased to be your specialized Hedera-supplier!
It is not the strongest species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that can adapt best.
- Charles Darwin -
About us
Business nursery De Mol – Verlee had their start-up in 1991. Even then, it was considered one of the mavericks of the flower municipality, Lochristi.
The power couple, Frank De Mol and Els Verlee, are behind the beautiful crop of Hedera helix
They started with just under 3000 m2 and 2000 m2 were added every 3 years. Growth and innovation in the company is key.
Frank, the grower of the two, dreamt of having a greenhouse full of greenery since he was 9 years old. He graduated from the horticultrural school in Wetteren, but is schooling himself every day. He went on an exchange to Florida and there he learned the craft of Hedera helix.
Els, the driving force behind the sale, joined in her husband’s story. Els knows how to get things done, so you see her at almost every fair both at home and abroad. She creates the ideal and honest relationship betwee customer and seller.
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